Travel Tips

Get tips and advice from other backpackers on their Working Holiday Visa. Find out how to travel, find a job or save money in Australia! You will discover some fantastic travel tips that will help you during your journey.


Festivals and Events in Australia

An impressive number of events and festivals take place every year in Australia. National festivals, music festivals, cultural and sporting events… there is something...

Visit Bali on a Budget

Bali attracts so many people every year, as "the island of the gods" offers everything your heart desires. Everyone is happy and content here,...

Darwin Work & Travel Tips

Are you planning a holiday in Darwin or thinking of moving there for a while? Here's an article that should be of interest to...

Motorcycle ride around Australia (Harley Davidson)

Exploring a new country, regardless of the mode of transportation, is always an incredible experience. However, crossing Australia, a country as vast as England...

Climate zones and seasons in Australia

Australia is a huge country with a wide variety of climates. Therefore, depending on the season, you can undertake various types of trips and...

Ultimate Adventure Activities in Australia

What image comes to mind when you think of Australia? You probably think of beaches, surfing and kangaroos. You also imagine some wild adventures......

Hiking in Australia – The Ultimate Guide

Australia, with its vast and varied landscapes, offers some of the most unforgettable hiking experiences in the world. From the rugged coastlines and lush...

Best Stopovers from Europe to Australia

So you have decided to come to Australia. Why not take the opportunity to visit a city or discover another country on the way?...

Cost of travel in Australia in 2023

Thinking of travelling to Australia? Great choice! You are going to discover an amazing country and live an unusual experience. But, how much should...

2 Days in Melbourne – What to do?

The capital of the state of Victoria, Melbourne was founded in 1835. It covers an area of 9,990 km² and has a population of...