Home Work in Australia Best Outback Jobs in Australia

Best Outback Jobs in Australia

Best Outback Jobs in Australia

Australia’s Outback, with its vast landscapes and unique experiences, offers a wealth of job opportunities for backpackers looking to fund their travels and immerse themselves in the country’s rugged interior. From cattle mustering to tour guiding, the Outback provides a diverse range of work that allows travelers to explore the heart of Australia while earning money. This article highlights some of the best Outback jobs for backpackers, offering insights into the roles, requirements, and benefits.

Farm and Station Work

Cattle station Hand

Working as station hand is without a doubt the ultimate Outback job in Australia! It is a must for anyone who is looking for an adventure Down Under. This is your chance to get out of the city and to get to know the real Australia. This job is physically demanding but offers an authentic Outback experience.

Depending on your skills you are going to help with general maintenance tasks such as fencing. You might help with feeding cattle. Also, making sure there is enough water for all the livestock, assisting with vaccinations and lots more. Ideally, you have experience riding a motor bike or quad bike and occasionally you could end up riding horses or even fly in a helicopter. However, please be honest about your experience. These jobs can be quite dangerous and often the closest hospital is far away.

Requirements: Physical fitness, ability to ride horses or operate quad bikes, and basic farm skills.
Benefits: Accommodation and meals often provided, hands-on experience, and a chance to learn about Australian farming practices.

Farm Laborer

Farm laborers are needed for tasks such as planting, harvesting, and general maintenance on crop farms. This work is seasonal and varies depending on the type of farm and the time of year.

Requirements: Basic physical fitness and a willingness to perform manual labor.
Benefits: Seasonal work opportunities, potential for earning good money during peak seasons, and accommodation often provided.

Roadhouse all-rounder

Have you heard of the Nullarbor? Stewart Highway? In lots of places in Australia the next town or city is far away. Like, really far away sometimes. And in between you will often find roadhouses to make sure that people don’t run out of fuel along the way and so that they can have a break.

There is always work for people in roadhouses. You will live there or close by and often be an all-rounder working the till and serving customers, helping in the kitchen etc. You may also do some housekeeping if the roadhouse provides accommodation.

Requirements: Versatile skill set to handle various tasks such as customer service, cooking, cleaning, and basic maintenance. Ability to work in a remote location and adapt to a range of duties.
Benefits: Accommodation and meals often provided, reducing living expenses. Varied and dynamic work environment with different tasks each day.

To know more, check Lily’s experience : Work in a Road House – An Outback Experience

Construction work

With many outback towns expanding and developing, there are often job opportunities in construction. These jobs can include carpentry, plumbing, and electrical work. The industry is regulated and you will need to get your White Card to be able to work in construction.

Get discounts on your White Card course

Take advantage of our special offers to get your White Card and work in the construction industry.

If you are physically fit and you know how to use a few basic tools you can score a construction job in the Outback as well. Whether this might be helping with tank building, assisting to grade new roads (yes, sometimes they build their own roads) or general maintenance around the cattle station. Just like with farm jobs as well, there is always work. You never run out of projects.

Requirements: Relevant qualifications or experience, ability to work in remote locations, and physical fitness.
Benefits: Good pay, varied work, and provided accommodation.

Hospitality Jobs

Outback Pub Worker

No matter how small the town is and how remote it is there is one thing you can bet on. There will be a pub. And these pubs are always on the lookout for people working there. Serving food and cool drinks to customers who are one of a kind in the Outback and having a chat with them is a great way to experience rural Australia. Working in an Outback pub is a great way to meet locals and fellow travelers. Duties can include bartending, serving food, housekeeping, and general maintenance.

Requirements: Customer service skills, ability to work in a remote location, and an RSA (Responsible Service of Alcohol) certificate.
Benefits: Interaction with a diverse range of people, accommodation usually included, and a fun work environment.

Resort and Lodge Staff

Outback resorts and lodges often hire staff for various roles such as reception, housekeeping, kitchen staff, and activity coordinators.

Requirements: Previous hospitality experience, strong customer service skills, and the ability to live and work in a remote area.
Benefits: Access to resort facilities, accommodation and meals provided, and opportunities to explore the local area.

In any case, you will need to get your RSA (Responsible Service of Alcohol) if you intend to work in an establishment where alcohol is served.

Get your RSA in Australia and receive Discounts!

Pay less for your RSA course (Responsible Service of Alcohol). With this certificate, you are allowed to work in all places where alcohol is served or sold.

Other hospitality jobs

Especially chefs are often in demand and you can work at a homestead to prepare food for guests who are on an adventurous holiday. Or you can do housekeeping and keep the rooms and the campground tidy. You could find yourself working as a receptionist, handle bookings and make sure that all guests are happy. Maybe you can show off your barista skills or mix some drinks at the bar and chat to customers after a long day or even do a little bit of everything.

Anywhere where there are tourists in the Outback, there are places for them to have some food or stay and spend the night. And with that come all your typical hospitality jobs. Often you will be required to do a few more things than what you initially signed up for which can be great fun. A can-do attitude is a must in the Outback.

Adventure and Tour Guiding

Ever dreamed of driving around the red dusty Outback and sharing your newfound local knowledge with some visitors? This is possible in Australia. It might be harder to find a job where you will exclusively show tourists around and go on day trips with them. There is often a chance that this might become part of your job although you initially started to work something else.

A place where the chef or the guy behind the checkout counter is also working as a tour guide every now and then? Yes, all that is possible in remote places Down Under.

Requirements: Knowledge of the local area, strong communication skills, first aid certification, and a passion for the outdoors.
Benefits: Opportunity to share your passion for the Outback, interaction with tourists from around the world, and usually good pay and tips.

Mining positions

The mining industry is a significant employer in Australia’s outback. Mining jobs in the outback can include heavy machinery operators, truck drivers, engineers, electricians, boilermakers, mechanics, and administrative and support roles. Some common entry-level positions in the mining industry include mining production operators, drillers, and blast crew.

Salaries for mining positions in the outback can vary widely depending on the role, level of experience, and location but overall are pretty interesting. Entry-level positions typically pay around $70,000 per year, while experienced tradespeople and professionals can earn way over $150,000 per year. Salaries for mining jobs also often include benefits such as housing, food, and transportation.

Working conditions in the mining industry can be challenging, particularly in remote locations in the outback. Workers are often required to work long shifts, including night shifts, and the work can be physically demanding. Safety is also a significant priority in the industry, and workers must follow strict protocols to prevent accidents and injuries.

Requirements: Relevant qualifications or experience, physical fitness, and the ability to work long shifts.
Benefits: High earning potential, accommodation and meals provided, and often extended periods of time off.

Conservation and Environmental Work

Wildlife Sanctuary Worker

Working at a wildlife sanctuary involves caring for animals, maintaining enclosures, and assisting with conservation projects.

Requirements: Passion for wildlife, relevant experience or qualifications, and the ability to work in a remote location.
Benefits: Hands-on experience with native animals, contribution to conservation efforts, and provided accommodation.

Environmental Conservationist

Jobs in environmental conservation can include tree planting, habitat restoration, and invasive species control.

Requirements: Interest in environmental conservation, physical fitness, and the ability to work in various weather conditions.
Benefits: Contribution to preserving Australia’s natural environment, varied and outdoor work, and sometimes provided accommodation.

Are these the right jobs for you?

Working in the Outback is perfect for you if you are looking for an adventure. Eve better if you don’t mind the heat and you don’t need creature comforts that you would normally find in the cities. You’ll be able to work a lot, save up a decent amount of money as you won’t be able to spend much. And on top of that you get to experience a part of Australia that many people miss out on. Of course, if you want to party hard, go to the movies or go shopping, the outback won’t please you! But for the others, what are you waiting for?

Where to find those jobs?

To find these jobs you can start looking on Gumtree, Facebook or the yellow pages. The Job Shop is really good if you are in Western Australia. Don’t hesitate to chat with the locals when grocery shopping, at the pub or just in shops. They may know someone who is looking for staff and it is always good to discuss with locals! Also check the large cattle companies such as NAPCO, AACo, S.KIDMAN) and Recruitment Agencies (AG Workforce…).

For mining jobs, there are many ways to find a position in the outback, including online job boards, company websites, recruitment agencies, and networking. Some popular job boards include SEEK, Indeed, and Mining People. You can also contact mining companies directly to inquire about available positions.

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Philip S.
Philipp is an ambitious traveller who has spent more than two years in Australia as a backpacker. He explored The Land Down Under and worked almost every job under the sun. Now he wants to share his experience and help those who are looking for an adventure.


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