Home Work in Australia Get your RSG in Australia – Info and discount (2024)

Get your RSG in Australia – Info and discount (2024)

Get your RSG in Australia – Info and discount (2024)

If you intend to work in a pub or any gambling related establishment in Australia, the Responsible Service of Gambling (RSG) or Responsible Conduct of Gambling (RCG) is a training you will have to do. In this article we will cover everything you need to know when choosing a course to acquire your RSG / RCG certificate in Australia.

What is the RSG and RCG in Australia?

The RCG (Responsible Conduct of Gambling) for NSW or RSG (Responsible Service of Gambling) for the other states is a certificate that allows you to work in gambling establishments such as pubs or racecourses, casinos.

The goal of these training programs is to raise awareness among workers about the issues of social responsibility in gambling, prevention of gambling addiction, and protection of vulnerable players. Topics covered include signs of gambling addiction, means of preventing addiction, and reporting protocols. The RSG course specialises in training for detecting and if necessary, assisting in a gambling problem as well as the use of pokies.

The training can be done online or in a classroom and lasts half a day. The RSG / RCG is usually required in addition to the RSA (Read Get your RSA Certificate for more information).

Do I need to get the RSG certificate?

All states of Australia have different rules surrounding the Responsible Service of Gambling. Due to the important number of poker machines in hotels, pubs or even some restaurants, there is a good chance you will need to get your RSG. States such as Queensland and NSW have very strict gambling-related laws. Therefore, before completing the training it is good to know whether it is mandatory in the state or territory you want to work in.

  • New South Wales:  RCG is compulsory. Training must be completed in classroom. Online training is not available.
  • Queensland: RSG is compulsory. Training can be done online or in a classroom.
  • Victoria: You have 6 months from the start date of employment to get your RSG to complete and pass the RSG training. Training must be completed in classroom
  • South Australia: You have 6 months from the start date of employment t to complete and pass the RSG training. Training can be done in a classroom or online.
  • Western Australia: RSG is not required. If you are asked to get it, this can be done online or face to face.
  • Northern Territory: You have 3 months from the start date of employment to complete and pass the RSG training. Training can be done online or in a classroom.
  • Tasmania: RSG is compulsory. Training can be done online or in a classroom.

Where to get your RSG / RCG in Australia?

Some states allow you to complete the course online, but others require you to attend in class training. Online courses generally take 3 to 4 hours whereas classroom training takes approximately 6 hours, including an exam.

gambling rsg

How much does it cost?

The RSG or RCG certificate does not expire therefore you will only have to pay for the accredited course once. The course usually costs $60 -100 AUD.  

It might be worth getting your RSA Certificate at the same time as some employers require you to have both your RSA and RSG to work in their establishment. For only $24 AUD, the RSA course can be completed online with Express Online Training. Please note that this online course is only valid in QLD, SA, WA & NT.

Also note that in Australia, the costs incurred from undertaking training courses such as the Food Handler Course can often be claimed on your tax return. This applies particularly if the training is directly related to your current job and is necessary for you to maintain or improve the skills required for your employment. This means you could recoup the expenses associated with professional development and compliance training when you file your taxes. Always ensure to keep receipts and detailed records of your educational expenses to support your claims.

Get your RSG in QLD, WA, NT (online)

For those states, you have the possibility to complete the RSG course online. A good provider is Express Online Training (EOT). This course applies to WA, NT, QLD.


  • Available 24/7
  • Automatically save your progress
  • Stop & Resume at any time
  • Download & Print Certificate at the end of the training.

Once you have completed your course and made the payment, you will receive your nationally accredited Statement of Attainment as a PDF file. The certificate will be recognised by employers and government agencies in Queensland, Western Australia, Northern Territory. For the other states / territories, you can use the statement of attainment to apply for recognition of prior learning. In most cases, you will only have to do a short bridging course to become fully qualified in that state. 

RTO registration code: 40592 SITHGAM201 – Provide Responsible Gambling Services Currently: SITHGAM001 & Formerly: SITHGAM006A

Note: You are required to create a USI number (Unique Student Identifier) for the completion of the course. It is free and easy. You can create this number even if you are on a Working Holiday visa. To get your USI, simply visit www.usi.gov.au/students/get-a-usi.
You can only get this number if you are in Australia as it is linked to your passport number and visa. 

Is it worth completing a RSG/RCG course?

Having an RSG/RCG certificate will help you to secure work faster in the hospitality industry in Australia. Due to the strict regulations on gambling, getting the certificate before you apply for jobs will give you an advantage. It shows that you are serious about working in hotels, pubs and other establishments. The course is cheap and will definitely allow a broader range of jobs opportunities. Finally, you can claim it back as a work expense in your Australian tax return at the end of the financial year. So do not hesitate and get your RSG Course today!

 Other Training & Certificates useful in Australia

If you want to work in gaming establishments in Australia, you may also find yourself in a place that serves food or alcohol. In this case, you will also likely need to obtain other certifications.

The RSA Certificate

The RSA is essential if you want to work in an establishment where alcohol is served. It shows that you are aware of the regulations regarding alcohol consumption in Australia.

Regulations are specific to each state and territory and there is no RSA valid for all of Australia. This means that you will need to obtain the RSA in the state you intend to work in. The training is done online or in a classroom, depending on the states and territories.

The Barista Course

The Barista training teaches you how to use a coffee machine, how to make all kinds of coffee, etc. This training is national. It will be necessary for you if you are required to work in an establishment where you will have to serve coffee to customers.

Bartending course

The bartending training teaches you how to make cocktails, the art of serving, measurements, etc. Again, this training is not mandatory but is a plus in your job search in this field. Prices vary greatly but these trainings last several days.

Food Handler Course

As of December 2023, Food Standards Australia New Zealand mandates that all personnel involved in food handling must possess verified training credentials for basic food handling tasks.

The Food Handler Course aims to provide essential knowledge and skills for maintaining food safety and hygiene across dining environments. This includes restaurants, cafes, fast-food chains, and catering companies. The training includes subjects like preventing foodborne diseases, correct methods for handling food, maintaining personal cleanliness, cleaning and sanitization practices, etc.

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