Home Work in Australia Get your RSA Certificate in NSW in 2024

Get your RSA Certificate in NSW in 2024

Get your RSA Certificate in NSW in 2024

To be able to work in Hospitality in New South Wales you need to obtain the RSA Certificate, it is mandatory. This course is relevant for anyone serving alcohol. This article will cover everything you need to know about the RSA certificate in NSW.

What is the RSA certificate in Australia?

In Australia, the RSA (Responsible Service of Alcohol) certificate is a mandatory accreditation for individuals who wish to work in roles where they will be serving, selling, or supplying alcoholic beverages. The RSA training and certification process is designed to equip these individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to serve alcohol responsibly, in compliance with Australian liquor laws.

Each state and territory in Australia has its own specific regulations and requirements for RSA certification, and the certification from one state might not be recognized in another. This means that you need to obtain the RSA certification that’s valid for the specific state or territory where you intend to work. The course can typically be completed online or in-person and involves passing an assessment at the end.

Key aspects covered in the RSA course include

  • Understanding Liquor Laws: The training provides an understanding of state and federal laws related to the service of alcohol.
  • Alcohol’s Impact on the Body: It covers how alcohol affects the body and the community, including health and social impacts.
  • Responsible Service of Alcohol: The course teaches strategies for responsible service, such as how to refuse service to intoxicated patrons and how to identify and prevent intoxication.
  • Dealing with Difficult Situations: RSA training also includes handling difficult situations that may arise when serving alcohol, like dealing with aggressive customers or underage patrons.

Get your RSA in New South Wales

It’s possible to do the entire course online or in a classroom. However, the RSA course in New South Wales differs from the other courses provided in other states or territories. So, if you want to work in hospitality in NSW, you will have to obtain the NSW RSA certificate, which is only valid in this state. We recommend obtaining your RSA NSW online with EOT.

RSA NSW Online

We recommend obtaining your RSA NSW with the accredited company Express Online Training (RTO 40592), (RSA – Provide responsible service of alcohol – SITHFAB002) if you decide to do it online:


  • EOT is Fully NSW Gov Accredited
  • At-Home Course – No Classroom
  • Only pay if you pass
  • Price includes the cost of ‘NSW Competency Card’
  • Short Audio Assessment
  • Stop & Resume at any time
  • Download & Print Interim Certificate at the end of the training.

Note: You will need to create a USI number (Unique Student Identifier) for the completion of the course. It is free and easy. You can create this number even if you are on a Working Holiday visa. To get your USI, simply visit  https://www.usi.gov.au/students/create-your-usi. If you are obtaining your RSA in a classroom, you will create your USI in the training centre. You can only get this number if you are in Australia as it is linked to your passport number and visa. 

How much is the NSW RSA Certificate?

Different providers will charge different amounts but the typical price for an NSW RSA certificate appears to be around $120-$170. We recommend the RSA Online course with the company EOT for $124 (instead of $190), the classroom course in Sydney is usually around $180.

How is my NSW RSA Certificate delivered and what is the Competency Card?

Once you have completed your course (online or in a center), you will receive an official Liquor & Gaming NSW (OLGR) interim certificate. This certificate is valid for 90 days and allows you to start working immediately.

You will then need to go to a Service Center to obtain your final card, the Competency Card. This laminated card includes your photo and proves your ability to work in hospitality. When visiting the Service Center, take your temporary certificate as well as documents proving your identity. The list of documents that can prove your identity is provided on the back of the temporary certificate. This can be your driver’s license, passport, a credit card with your name, telephone bill, etc. After verifying your identity, a photo of you will be taken at the center to finalise your card.

Click here to find your closest Service Centre. Your Photo Card will then be sent to your nominated shipping address.

When should I get my RSA?

You should complete the course before looking for a job in hospitality. It will give you more chances to find a job. Indeed, it is compulsory to have the RSA certificate to start your job. Often job advertisements will state this. So be prepared before you apply for a job where you will have to serve alcohol and complete your training as soon as possible. If you start working without your RSA, you risk a fine if you are checked.

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