Travel Tips

Get tips and advice from other backpackers on their Working Holiday Visa. Find out how to travel, find a job or save money in Australia! You will discover some fantastic travel tips that will help you during your journey.

2 Days in Melbourne – What to do?

The capital of the state of Victoria, Melbourne was founded in 1835. It covers an area of 9,990 km² and has a population of...

Phone plans in Australia: Prepaid, Packages, Contracts

When leaving your home country to come to Australia, one of the first things you might want to figure out before your arrival is...
magic bus

The Magic Bus – A unique road trip

Do you want to go on a special adventure around Australia that's not like your average road trip? Want to avoid Greyhound buses and...

Ridesharing Australia

Whether you’re alone or with a group of friends, Ridesharing in Australia is always a good idea to get around. Remember, it is a...

Campervan fitouts: step-by-step Guide

You want to visit Australia with your vehicle… you are wondering whether you should buy a fully equipped van / 4×4 or do it...

20 Don’ts in Australia

Traveling to Australia offers an array of unforgettable experiences, from exploring vibrant cities to immersing yourself in some of the world's most stunning natural...

Perth Travel Tips

Perth, the most isolated city in the world, has a population of over 2 million people. Like in all big cities, the cost of...

When should you buy your plane ticket to Australia?

Once you have decided to come to Australia, the next step is probably booking your plane ticket. Keep in mind that flight prices vary...

Which city is best to start your Australian Working Holiday?

Embarking on a Working Holiday in Australia presents a unique opportunity to explore the diverse landscapes, vibrant cities, and rich cultural heritage of the...

20 tips to save money while travelling in Australia

Are you planning to travel around Australia soon? The cost of living Down Under can be pretty high, so it's always good to save...