Travel Tips

Get tips and advice from other backpackers on their Working Holiday Visa. Find out how to travel, find a job or save money in Australia! You will discover some fantastic travel tips that will help you during your journey.

Backpacking guy

25 helpful travel tips for backpacking

Whether you're still planning your trip or already on the road, there are a lot of questions that backpackers come across. How can I...

10 Safety Tips for Driving in Australia

Whether you’re taking a long road trip, driving a tractor as part of your farm work or going to pick up friends from the...

Visit Bali on a Budget

Bali attracts so many people every year, as "the island of the gods" offers everything your heart desires. Everyone is happy and content here,...
top things to do in gold coast

20 tips for Moving to Australia

Zoë moved to Australia over two years ago. Obviously she loves it here as she never left, but when she first moved over, there were...

Best beaches in Australia – TOP #15

With nearly 30,000 km of coastline and natural riches like no other, Australia is a true paradise on earth! You should know that there...

Best time to visit Australia

Australia is reputed to offer a favourable climate all year round, but understanding the rhythm of the seasons will allow you to choose the...

Solo traveling around Tasmania – 10 good reasons

If you wanna travel around Australia on your own, then you should definitely consider Tasmania. Tasmania is the smallest state of Australia far down...

13 work and travel tips to save money in Australia

Are you leaving for Australia soon and looking for some great tips and tricks to save money? After spending two years on the road...

Darwin Work & Travel Tips

Are you planning a holiday in Darwin or thinking of moving there for a while? Here's an article that should be of interest to...

Melbourne Travel Tips & deals

Melbourne’s reputation is impossible to excel. This cosmopolitan city is known for its culture, filled with museums and street art to admire during your...