Travel Tips

Get tips and advice from other backpackers on their Working Holiday Visa. Find out how to travel, find a job or save money in Australia! You will discover some fantastic travel tips that will help you during your journey.


Customs in Australia: What can you bring into the country?

Australia is renowned for its rich biodiversity and unique ecosystems. To protect this natural heritage, the Australian Government enforces strict customs regulations on what...

10 Tips to Travel around Australia

Australia, the land of diverse landscapes, unique wildlife, and vibrant cities, is a dream destination for many travelers. However, its vastness and variety can...

Arriving in Australia – To do list for the first week

If you are currently preparing for your trip to Australia, you're probably wondering about the first steps you'll have to take after you arrive....

The best Hostels in Cairns – Top #10

There are many hostels in the city of Cairns, famous for its peaceful atmosphere and its tropical climate. It can be hard to decide which of...
vehicle rego

Vehicle Registration in Australia – Rego Guide

In Australia, all vehicles are registered in a state or territory (Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland, etc.). The registration of a vehicle is called...

The 10 Best Hostels in Melbourne

As in all major cities, there are many hostels to choose from in Melbourne so when you don't know the city and its neighbourhoods...

20 Don’ts in Australia

Traveling to Australia offers an array of unforgettable experiences, from exploring vibrant cities to immersing yourself in some of the world's most stunning natural...

Phone plans in Australia: Prepaid, Packages, Contracts

When leaving your home country to come to Australia, one of the first things you might want to figure out before your arrival is...

10 Safety Tips for Driving in Australia

Whether you’re taking a long road trip, driving a tractor as part of your farm work or going to pick up friends from the...
magic bus

The Magic Bus – A unique road trip

Do you want to go on a special adventure around Australia that's not like your average road trip? Want to avoid Greyhound buses and...