Travel Tips

Get tips and advice from other backpackers on their Working Holiday Visa. Find out how to travel, find a job or save money in Australia! You will discover some fantastic travel tips that will help you during your journey.


Traveling with children in New Zealand

New Zealand is a beautiful country with diverse landscapes and a number of things to do for both adults and children. Whether you choose...

The best Hostels in Brisbane – Top 10

There are many hostels in Brisbane, and when you don't know the city well it can be hard to choose. Here is our list...

The 10 Best Hostels in Melbourne

As in all major cities, there are many hostels to choose from in Melbourne so when you don't know the city and its neighbourhoods...

The best Hostels in Cairns – Top #10

There are many hostels in the city of Cairns, famous for its peaceful atmosphere and its tropical climate. It can be hard to decide which of...

13 work and travel tips to save money in Australia

Are you leaving for Australia soon and looking for some great tips and tricks to save money? After spending two years on the road...
magic bus

The Magic Bus – A unique road trip

Do you want to go on a special adventure around Australia that's not like your average road trip? Want to avoid Greyhound buses and...
Backpacking guy

25 helpful travel tips for backpacking

Whether you're still planning your trip or already on the road, there are a lot of questions that backpackers come across. How can I...
stuck in road

Things you realise when travelling in Australia

Some days it feels like you know nothing. You'll be faced with a challenge that makes you feel useless. Other days you feel like...

Melbourne Travel Tips & deals

Melbourne’s reputation is impossible to excel. This cosmopolitan city is known for its culture, filled with museums and street art to admire during your...

Best beaches in Australia – TOP #15

With nearly 30,000 km of coastline and natural riches like no other, Australia is a true paradise on earth! You should know that there...