Travel Tips

Get tips and advice from other backpackers on their Working Holiday Visa. Find out how to travel, find a job or save money in Australia! You will discover some fantastic travel tips that will help you during your journey.

13 work and travel tips to save money in Australia

Are you leaving for Australia soon and looking for some great tips and tricks to save money? After spending two years on the road...
magic bus

The Magic Bus – A unique road trip

Do you want to go on a special adventure around Australia that's not like your average road trip? Want to avoid Greyhound buses and...

20 tips to save money while travelling in Australia

Are you planning to travel around Australia soon? The cost of living Down Under can be pretty high, so it's always good to save...

When should you buy your plane ticket to Australia?

Once you have decided to come to Australia, the next step is probably booking your plane ticket. Keep in mind that flight prices vary...

Motorcycle ride around Australia (Harley Davidson)

Exploring a new country, regardless of the mode of transportation, is always an incredible experience. However, crossing Australia, a country as vast as England...

Best time to visit Australia

Australia is reputed to offer a favourable climate all year round, but understanding the rhythm of the seasons will allow you to choose the...

Cost of travel in Australia in 2023

Thinking of travelling to Australia? Great choice! You are going to discover an amazing country and live an unusual experience. But, how much should...

10 Safety Tips for Driving in Australia

Whether you’re taking a long road trip, driving a tractor as part of your farm work or going to pick up friends from the...

Phone plans in Australia: Prepaid, Packages, Contracts

When leaving your home country to come to Australia, one of the first things you might want to figure out before your arrival is...

Arriving in Australia – To do list for the first week

If you are currently preparing for your trip to Australia, you're probably wondering about the first steps you'll have to take after you arrive....