Travel Tips

Get tips and advice from other backpackers on their Working Holiday Visa. Find out how to travel, find a job or save money in Australia! You will discover some fantastic travel tips that will help you during your journey.

Ultimate Adventure Activities in Australia

What image comes to mind when you think of Australia? You probably think of beaches, surfing and kangaroos. You also imagine some wild adventures......

Perth Travel Tips

Perth, the most isolated city in the world, has a population of over 2 million people. Like in all big cities, the cost of...

Climate zones and seasons in Australia

Australia is a huge country with a wide variety of climates. Therefore, depending on the season, you can undertake various types of trips and...

Struggling abroad – Backpacking experience in Australia

"Travel while you're young and have no ties. It'll be the best time of your life." Anyone who has travelled during their younger years...

6 ways in which living in Australia will change you –...

Travelling to Australia on a Working Holiday Visa can be a hugely positive, life-changing experience. But there can also be challenges and problems that...

Darwin Work & Travel Tips

Are you planning a holiday in Darwin or thinking of moving there for a while? Here's an article that should be of interest to...

Best Stopovers from Europe to Australia

So you have decided to come to Australia. Why not take the opportunity to visit a city or discover another country on the way?...
sydney climate and weather

Sydney on a Budget – Travel Tips

Sydney is a city where you can quickly spend a lot of money… You can meet a lot of people, have a lot of...

Visit Bali on a Budget

Bali attracts so many people every year, as "the island of the gods" offers everything your heart desires. Everyone is happy and content here,...

Planning a Trip Around the World: Tips from a Backpacker

Your dream is finally about to come true: you’re going on a trip around the world! It's time to discover new horizons and different...