Home Just for Fun Amazing Koalas stories in Australia

Amazing Koalas stories in Australia

Amazing Koalas stories in Australia

Australia is a land of extremes – sometimes with temperatures over 40 degrees! The climate can sometimes be extreme, with significant floods or devastating fires. These conditions affect humans, nature and sometimes even koalas – Australia’s cutest animals. Here is what can happen when weather conditions become intense on the mainland. Following heatwaves or fires, koalas have found themselves thirsty. Discover their amazing stories…

Where to see koalas in Australia?

Koalas were once widespread across the entire Australian territory. Long hunted for their fur, they have disappeared from some regions of the country.

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Today, the largest populations are found along the east coast (QLD, NSW, and Victoria). They are mainly found in coastal regions extending from northern QLD to west of Adelaide (South Australia). The size of koala populations is linked to the density of eucalyptus species, which are necessary for their diet.

Source : IUCN Red List of Threatened Species

In Victoria, you can observe them along the Great Ocean Road (Kennett River, Ottway Park). To see them in South Australia, the best options are the Hills or Kangaroo Island. In NSW, Port Macquarie or Port Stephens are the best places to encounter them. Finally, in Queensland, Noosa National Park or Magnetic Island are good locations.

Story of Joey – The abandoned baby koala

Joey is a cute little baby koala who was found trembling, in critical condition on the veranda of an Australian family. He was abandoned by his mother and got disoriented by the extreme heat. These extreme weather conditions forced Joey – the little baby koala – to climb down from his tree to find some freshness on the family’s veranda. And to let you know…koalas usually don’t have to drink water – cause they hydrate naturally by eating eucalyptus leaves…

The thirsty koala helped by the firefighter

This story is one of the most famous koala stories in Australia! Sam – who owes his nickname to the firefighter David Tree – is a koala who was found wounded in the midst of ashes. After the region of Mirboo North had to face some serious fires, Sam the koala was saved by David the firefighter. David immediately brought him relief by making him drink out of his water bottle. These images spread the world…

The two twin koalas

These two twin koalas were found in their mother’s pocket after she got killed by a motorist. Fortunately the driver stopped and brought the pets to the local vet. Miraculously both twins survived. See how they grew up…

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A thirsty koala that stops a cyclist

In January 2019, a koala stopped a cyclist to get some water.

A Koala that enjoys the A/C

In March 2019, near Adelaide, a koala wanted to cool off. It entered the car of a local to enjoy the air conditioning! Amazing meeting !!

A koala rescued from a cave during floods

A very lucky Koala was rescued from a cave on the Glenelg River by kayakers following floods in the country in 2022. He was then brought to Werribee Open Range Zoo Vet Hospital for treatment and recovery. After five days of rest and plenty of gum leaves he was released by his rescuer back to the wild near to where he was found.

Koalas current situation

The future of Koalas threatened

The loss of their natural habitat is one of the biggest threats to koalas. Deforestation and urbanization are destroying the country’s eucalyptus forests, which provide food and habitat for koalas. Dog attacks and car accidents are also causing a decline in the country’s koala population. In recent years, the effects of climate change, including droughts and bushfires, have led some local populations of NSW koalas to near extinction.

Koalas following the bushfires of 2020 and floods in 2021/22

In recent years, the mega-fires in Australia, linked to climate change, have further accelerated the decline of the species. 60,000 koalas were killed or injured during the fires of 2019/2020. The recent floods also affected the population of koalas.

From the 10 million koalas present at the beginning of the 20th century, there are now only tens of thousands left.

Did you know?

Did you know that koalas hug trees when it’s really hot to cool down? Researches have discovered that they hug trees to use the dramatically lower temperatures inside the trees! The color difference in this thermal picture shows how much cooler the tree is…

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