Road Trip

Find all information you need to prepare your road trip around Australia! Which vehicle to choose, which way to go and how much is it? Lots of tips and advice from other backpackers! Find the perfect itinerary for your road trip.

10 Safety Tips for Driving in Australia

Whether you’re taking a long road trip, driving a tractor as part of your farm work or going to pick up friends from the...

Driving tips for a Road trip in Australia

Are you ready for your road trip to Australia? Visiting the country by driving its endless roads and crossing its incredible landscapes will undoubtedly...

Ridesharing Australia

Whether you’re alone or with a group of friends, Ridesharing in Australia is always a good idea to get around. Remember, it is a...
road trip calculator

Road trip Budget Calculator

To plan a road trip it is essential to know how much budget you need to calculate. There are many factors to consider when...